FAME & Other Disasters
This is a great read. Full of drama, scandal, tension, and surprising heartwarming moments. We are taken on an emotional roller coaster ride along with the two main characters, Emma and Molly. This is a wonderful story about how fragile friendships can be, and how the love and support of those around you can help you work out what really matters. The book has an engaging cast of likeable supporting characters, including two adorable dogs. I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
Hayley Walsh
Author of light-hearted fiction

Edward's Cat Trilogy
I read Edward's Cat and really enjoyed it! I wasn't expecting such a big story. You certainly are full of surprises with your writing.
Sydney, Australia
March 2023
Loving this! The vote is happening and hopefully it goes in Edward's favour. And Matt, what a nightmare of a child.
Sydney, Australia
December 2023

Many thanks to Hannah, Alex and Alesha for reviewing my Xenure Station short story on Goodreads. You can also read this as the first book in my Xenure Station Trilogy.

What Other Reviewers Think of Maria P Frino's Books
Authors, especially self-published ones like me, rely on reviewers to critique their work. It's a good way for readers to judge whether they should purchase the book. I thank everyone who has taken the time to review, send me a message and buy my stories. I appreciate your support.
The Decision They Made
In Maria P Frino's The Decision They Made, readers embark on a compelling journey through the choices that shape our lives. With engaging storytelling and relatable characters, Frino explores the consequences of these choices in a heartfelt way.
Frino's writing draws you in, making you empathise with the characters as they navigate their chosen paths. The emotional depth and authenticity of the story make it a gripping read.
If you appreciate character-driven fiction that explores the intricacies of decision-making, The Decision They made is a must-read. Maria P Frino's talent for capturing the essence of her characters and their decisions shines through in this thoughtful work.
Zoe T
Sydney, Australia
March 2024
Edward's Cat
A Magical Tale of Edward, his Twin and a Cat
I read this novella and wanted more. I now hear the author is writing a series, which is great. I look forward to reading the next books, Edward's Cat Book 1 was enjoyable, so I'm expecting more from the next books.
United Kingdom
Edward's Cat
A Magical Tale of Edward, his Twin and a Cat
Interview/Review on 29 May 2023 (copy link to see Reading Nook page)
Sarah - Reading Nook
A book review site
The Decision They Made
Reviewed in Australia on 26 June 2021
Crossing time, generations and countries, this novel explores the ripple effect that events and choices in one age can have for those in the future. The author cleverly weaves her own brand of magic and draws the reader into the lives of the characters thread by thread.
The reader is trying to figure out a puzzle throughout the whole of the book so the pages keep turning. Apart from that, it’s a fun ride with lots of drama to enjoy. Highly recommended!
A J Hunter - Amazon.com.au
The Decision They Made
Hi Maria,
I was very intrigued by the blurb, a historical mystery spanning generations is just my cup of tea. It didn't disappoint there. The characters were an eclectic bunch, the sort you could really laugh and cry along with. They really grew throughout the novel and I found myself rooting for them through all their trials. Well paced, this is a good book for snuggling up with!
Warm wishes,
Sarah Sullivan - via email
The Decision They Made
5 Stars
Interesting read
Thoroughly enjoyed this fast moving family saga. This book spans over three generations and although it is a sad story the love of a family triumphs.
Adele Murphy - amazon.com
The Decision They Made
I started reading thinking I would only read a couple of pages, but I was hooked. I'm invested in this story now and can't wait to find out what happens next.
Zoe - Sydney
Via phone - September 2023
Two Men in
a Shed
Two Men in a Shed.
Finished it. Fantastic, I didn't want it to end.
Maria A. via email
Oh my, Douglas is so hot! Read this story in two sittings.
Loved Two Men in a Shed by Maria P Frino.
Rosemary K.
The Decision They Made
Hi Maria,
I have nearly finished reading the book and all i can say is wow!! What an incredible piece of writing, i really am enjoying your writing style, the characters are ablaze with personality and as a reader I can wholly relate to their predicament. Please keep writing and I look forward to reading more.
Kind Regards
Kim Dowman - via email
24 January 2020
The Decision They Made
The Decision They Made by Maria P. Frino is a spellbinding novel that melds romance, family drama, and intrigue to take readers on a rollicking, emotional tide as they follow the tale of two sisters and the ramifications caused by a family secret. The narrative opens with a strong premise, presenting two sisters, Amelia and Simona, and a deadly family secret they vow never to tell. The author explores how this secret puts a wedge between the two sisters and how it eventually affects the life of Simona’s granddaughter — Larissa Mina. As one reads from one intriguing to the next engrossing page, one wants to know what happens next and if the two sisters can heal the wounds that divide them. But what happens if the secret comes to light?
Maria P. Frino is a gifted storyteller who uses suspense to captivate readers and get their eyes fixed on the pages. The crisp prose mixes with vivid descriptions to capture the attention of the reader. The emotional depth of the characters is deftly explored, transforming the story into one that is affecting and utterly engaging; the characters are real. From the very first page, the reader is pulled in by the sense of mystery and the secrecy that Amelia and Simona exhibit. It is obvious that something is at stake and the reader wants to know what it is. Personal relationships are so beautifully woven that readers get a clear idea of the family dynamics and the fragile threads that bind members of the same family. The narrative is replete with drama; the characters are elaborately written, and the conflict developed at multiple levels. The Decision They Made features an expertly written setting, taking readers through different countries — Italy, Russia, and Australia — with strong hints of WWII. The beautiful prose arrests the reader and creates a consistent appeal for the emotionally nuanced and captivating story. The crafty plot and the resonant, emotionally rich characters make the story a page-turner.
Review Date: October 22, 2021
Category: Family Saga Fiction
The Decision They Made
5 stars
Outstanding debut novel
I received a copy of The Decision They Made from Voracious Readers and I have to say - I’ve absolutely loved it! A historical family saga set between Italy in the 1940s and the more modern day element in the 1980s, I wasn’t sure at first I’d the modern day part would feel a bit dated and historical itself - but I was totally wrong! You get completely swept up in the stories of Simona, Amelia and Larissa - everything is set in a way that it’s believable and you can’t help but be moved by their plight. An incredible debut novel that I would recommend
Clare - amazon.co.uk
The Studio
Another urban myth is born
Reviewed in Australia on November 27, 2019
I found this intriguing urban tale just the right length and with just the right amount of character development to be very entertaining and enjoyable. Loner Raymond reminded me of Boo Radley's character in To Kill a Mockingbird.
The message comes through strongly that we shouldn't judge people adversely just because they are different to what we consider normal. A timely theme in light of the current xenophobic public opinion expressed around the globe.
Mark - amazon.com
The Decision They Made
Loved it! 😍
19 June 2021
A very suspensful and well crafted story - what happens when family secrets are no longer kept secret? How do you deal with it?
"The Decision they Made" is a well crafted story about 3 generations of women (grandmother, mother and daughter) and the love that hold them together despite their differences and things that happened years ago during WWII. The suspense of not knowing what the secrets are and wondering how everything will impact the main characters kept me reading into all hours of the night. Through most of the story, the reader is left wondering "what else is there?" It is of course, a love story also, but what really impacted me were the ways in which the main characters dealt with the secrets and with each other. Coming from a family with many secrets (many of which I'm resigned to never knowing) myself, I could relate to the characters of the book. What really set this story apart from other stories is the setting. The grandmother and her sister came of age during the beginning of WWII and were also from an abusive family. The setting of WWII set the stage for much of what happened later in the story as well as the decisions that were made. If you're a history buff like I am, you'll enjoy this story.
The only reason I gave this book 4 stars instead of 5 is because I feel that the main characters could have been developed more than they were. In an effort to move the storyline along, some of the dialogue became stilted and I would have liked to get to know some of the characters more than I did.
Finally, I recommend this book because some healthy ways of dealing with trauma and issues in life are presented as well as some poor ways of dealing with issues. The contrast between the two is quite sharp. In the end, Giovanna made what I believe is the best decision in dealing with family issues and trauma. What is that? Read the book and find out!
Susan Staples - Reedsy Discovery
Xenure Station: A Billion Light Years
5 stars
30 Oct 2020
I got a copy of this book through voracious readers only,
It's a short story with a lot of action! Some short stories don't give you enough information and leave you wondering what happened and how things got to where they were but this one is not like any other I have read!
I was gripped from the get go and it really didn't take long to read at all, I always found myself wanting more and not just waiting for it to finish!
Perfect if you have a little bit of time spare and want to just jump right into a story :)
Great job!
Hannah - Goodreads
Xenure Station: A Billion Light Years
A great short story
May 17, 2020
Maria Frino has written a compelling read that takes you through the love a mother has for her children and the lengths she is willing to go to to keep them safe. It is well written and I would highly recommend it to any science fiction fan.
Alex - amazon.com
Xenure Station: A Billion Light Years
November 8, 2021
Maria Frino's story is fundamentally about empowerment. Dawa initially takes a back seat to her husband, but ultimately asserts herself when her children's lives are at stake. Many will relate to this story of a mother taking control. The imagination of a world set 200-plus years in the future gives this short story the opportunity to explore how a society may look different, but how the shackles of authoritarianism can still remain. For that reason, I think Xenure Station might be beneficial for younger readers as well. Appreciate Maria Frino's vision and look forward to reading more from her.
Jen Conte - amazon.com
Xenure Station Trilogy
Xenure Station was the first Science Fiction I had read since my teenage years. It transported me to a future world with technology so advanced, travelling the universe was no longer a dream but a reality.
Notably, power struggles and human frailties transcend the centuries. Humankind is still under the powerful control and force of but a select few.
I found it a great portrayal of some complex characters.
Veronica Stolfa via email
July 2021
Xenure Station Trilogy
This trilogy is a rollercoaster of emotions, the characters are so relatable and you journey through these books with them. The characters’ stories and lives are plain to see and are threaded throughout the story. With the plot being as fast paced as it is complex it is a great story. Plan on not being able to put this down until the end. Whether you are a casual reader of this genre or an aficionado of it you will be hooked.
Kind Regards
Kim, via email
Xenure Station Trilogy
Greed, corruption, climate change in 2021 or 2270
Science-fiction is a broad genre that can polarise readers. I wouldn't call myself a sci-fi fan but within the genre, there are novels and authors which I enjoy reading. A recent addition to the sci-fi genre is Xenure Station Trilogy, the latest novel by Australian author Maria P. Frino. The themes of the trilogy are recognisable of those of the present day. Greed, environmental problems and climate change, revenge, power and inequality of distribution of resources.
Xenure Station Trilogy could be part of the new genre of climate fiction, also known as cli-fi, as it deals with the problems of climate change and the need for humans to find new places to live and the ever-ending need for fresh water and oxygen. Nothing really changes in Frino's future of humankind.
Xenure Station Trilogy consists of three books over 462 pages. Each chapter explores one character and their motives. Book one is Xenure Station: A Billion Light Years is the shortest of the three and introduces the reader to the main characters, Dawa and Zenac and life in 2270 and beyond. There is a need for exploration to find another planet for humans to live as Mars is at capacity. This book also fills the reader in what has happened to the lead up to 2270.
Book two Xenure Station: The Revenge is the longest. This book is the one I enjoyed the most. Frino explored the interaction between the characters and their motives, actions and relationships are developed. I enjoyed this chapter more as a result of this. We learn more about those in power and their greed, especially the characters of the High Priest and Leyna.
Book three is Xenure Station: The Return. This book continues where book two left off with unanswered questions such as 'Will the High Priest have the upper hand and regain power?' 'Will good conquer evil?' or 'Do humans return to what they know best? – a continuation of Earth's destruction by people or kindness and empathy which we know can be achieved.
The story takes place on Earth in Morocco, The Vatican City as well as new planets such as Arisis. Although the story starts in 2270, it does move at a fast pace and the reader travels to 2299 at the beginning of book three. Humans are not eating space-age food in the future they enjoy burgers, Greek and Indian cuisine as well as enjoying familiar recreational pursuits. As there are different ages of the characters over three generations, interests and relationships the reader can easily identify with a character in Xenure Station Trilogy.
At the beginning of the novel, Xenure Station Trilogy, Frino helps the reader by listing the characters and their relationship to other characters which I did refer to a few times. A glossary is included at the end of the novel to explain organisations and new terminology such as an 'acoustic moduliser'.
For more information on Xenure Station Trilogy and its author Maria P. Frino, please visit her website . The website has a link to Amazon, where you can purchase Xenure Station Trilogy to be read on a Kindle or a hard copy version, which I read. Follow Frino on Twitter and Instagram.
Xenure Station Trilogy would appeal to fans of science fiction or those interested in the complexities of humans and the impact they have on Earth. It is an easy read for any age from teenagers upwards.
Jennifer L.
Weekend Notes Reviewer