To help with marketing your books, you can include author interviews. Author interviews as part of your Marketing Mix will help with putting your name out there and reaching readers.
Being interviewed about your writing and books is a rewarding way to market yourself. I recently donated two of my *books to a charity auction run by Wayne Tunks of MY88 FM, a radio station based in Penrith. Wayne is the breakfast host and was raising funds for the NSW Cancer Council. He asked me for an interview and I gladly accepted.
*The books I donated - The Decision They Made and Xenure Station Trilogy.

I heard about this charity auction through Twitter, both Wayne @waynetunks and I @frino_mp, along with the lovely Hayley Walsh @taylesbyhayles, chat on Twitter occasionally. Hayley posted a shout-out to authors on Twitter to donate their books to Wayne's cause. And a few of us did. In exchange for the free books, Wayne interviewed us on his radio show.
Below are a few more people and reviewers who have interviewed me -

Another way to promote your work is for you to interview someone. It can help if they are famous and they don't necessarily need to be an author. This is not a necessity though, there are many good interviewers and reviewers who do interviews because they enjoy talking about books. Here's a link to my blog when I interviewed Australian singer - John Paul Young
Interviews can be fun, although occasionally they are intimidating, as I found with John Paul Young. But generally, the interviewer makes you feel relaxed and most interviews are pre-recorded so any mistakes can be edited out.
Have you been interviewed about your books and writing? If you did, how did it help with marketing your stories? Let me know in the comments and feel free to offer any other ideas of places and people who will interview authors, especially self-published ones like me.
Happy reading
Maria P Frino