Unfortunately, the December 2023 event was postponed.
But now we have one scheduled for this April, our Local Authors Book Festival -

We have booked The Concord Seniors Centre, unit 9/11 Wellbank St from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Come along and browse books, chat with authors, and be entertained by vocalists while you browse.
This information is about last year's cancelled event -
Sydney Authors Inked has booked The Connection at Rhodes for Sunday 10 December 2023 from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm. Authors who would like to sell their books with us, please send an email to sydneyauthorsinked@gmail.com and we will send you details.
This is a great opportunity for you to meet potential readers, talk about your books, and sell one or two, or many more, to the general reading public.

We're pleased to be presenting local authors to Sydney readers and we look forward to meeting you all in December. Come along and support us authors who enjoy entertaining readers with our stories.
If you'd like more information about our April Local Authors Book Festival, whether you're an author or a reader, email us at sydneyauthorsinked@gmail.com
Happy reading (and buying books)
Maria P Frino