'Tis the Season. A Thank You to my Readers because it's December, a time of gratitude, love and peace.
A huge thank you to everyone who has read my books this year. I appreciate your support in this tough writing and publishing gig. 2024 has been difficult for many with the 'Cost of Living Crisis' taking a grip on many household budgets. But we all need to enjoy the little things in life and reading can be one of those little pleasures. Books are not expensive and if you have a Kindle Unlimited account, they are free to download. There is more information about KU on Amazon. Sign up
Also, to all of the authors I have worked with in 2024, it's been fabulous collaborating with you at author talks and the recent Sydney Authors Inked Local Authors Book Festival. I enjoy meeting new authors, how we support each other and some of you becoming my friends. Looking forward to seeing and meeting more authors next year.

'Tis the Season. A Thank You to my Readers. My heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has purchased my books, whether at markets, author talks, book fairs, online, or through my website. I truly appreciate all the feedback I have received, including constructive criticism, as it plays a vital role in helping me enhance my writing. Thank you for being a part of this writing and publishing journey with me!

To everyone who celebrates, have a Merry Christmas and New Year, and Happy and safe holidays to all.
For more information about Maria P Frino - www.mariapfrino.com
For more information about Sydney Authors Inked - click here
Happy Reading and Ho Ho Ho!
Maria P Frino
