Marketing a book is not easy, especially if you are self-published. I have short stories and a debut novel, The Decision They Made, published and available on many online sites such as #Amazonkindle #booktopia #thebookdepository #fishpond with more coming. Having your book on these sites does not guarantee a sale, you have to put in the hard yards and market your book to readers everywhere.
If you want global distribution, how do you have your books available on these sites? For me, it was finding a distributor willing to take on my stories and I was lucky enough to find Publicious, an Australian distributor based in Queensland. They organise the distribution and POD (Print on Demand) for self-published authors like myself. You can order one book, they print it and send it to you for a similar price (or less) to purchasing in a bricks & mortar bookstore.
To place your books on all online sites yourself is a huge task and will take away from your writing time, which for an author, is a more important part of their job. At the moment, my debut novel is published in English and Italian and both are being distributed by Publicious. I am writing more stories and hope to have them globally distributed by Publicious in future.
Having a distributor is a big help for self-published authors because the distributor does the hard yards for you. This doesn't necessarily mean I will sell thousands of books but it will have my name out to many more readers than I could have contacted on my own. Although, selling thousands of books would be nice.

One of my short stories, Xenure Station: A Billion Light Years, is being written into a trilogy due to a positive response from readers of the short story. I'm grateful to my readers who enjoyed this story and wanted more. The three stories will be published in one volume and will be ready in 2021. The Xenure Station Trilogy will be distributed by Publicious as well.
I find a lot of satisfaction in writing and am pleased there are readers out there who enjoy my stories. Now, with my books being globally distributed, I hope many more readers will read and like my books.
Happy reading
Maria P Frino