Writing is a solitary task ... but the rewards are so satisfying.

Well, 2019 is truly behind us and 2020 brings in a new decade. A whole ten years of new and exciting projects await you. What are your goals for this next chapter of your life? Write more? Be published? Start a writing course? Writing courses are a good idea to improve your skills whether you are starting out, or like me, have been at it for some time.
I self-published three books in 2019. Two are short stories and one is a full-length novel. This was my goal for years and now that I'm finally published, I wish I'd done it sooner. It's not as hard as you think. Time-consuming yes, but not hard. Right now I am concentrating on promoting my books and this takes time too. The rewards are worth it because you only get worthwhile returns with effort. The more effort, the bigger the rewards
My books are currently available on Amazon Kindle as e-books. One short story, The Studio will remain as an e-book. The other short story, Xenure Station-A Billion Light Years and my full-length novel, The Decision They Made, will both be available in print soon.
My focus was to have these three stories published on Amazon Kindle by end-2019. The novel was published on December 1, talk about cutting the deadline fine! But, I did it. The important thing in all this is to keep focused on your goal.
What is it that inspires you to write? I have been asked this question a lot over the years. Another one is, Do you find it lonely? My inspiration comes from reading in different genres, although my favourites are science fiction and fiction drama/romance. It isn't an accident that I write in these genres too. Other inspiration can come from listening to conversations, talking to friends and family or walking my dog and taking in my surroundings; basically, everyday things can influence my stories. Am I lonely when I'm writing? No. How can you be lonely when your characters keep talking to you? Writing is like any other form of creative expression, if you enjoy what you're doing you will find the process rewarding.
My goal for 2020 is to write another two novels. One is the sequel to Xenure Station - A Billion Light Years. It is titled, Xenure Station - The Revenge and I've written 10,000 words of this story so far. There's a lot of writing hours to go and I have my sights on the goal. The other novel is titled, Two Men in a Shed and is a fiction drama. I'm a little further along with this one but both stories will need my attention for most of the year.
To all you writers, I wish you the best in reaching your goals for 2020. Keep focused and keep on writing.